Conflict features depending on stay duration at workplace.

  • Kirill S. Ezhov
  • Elena I. Cherdymova
  • Alexey I. Prokopyev
  • Maxim S. Fabrikov
  • Nikolay I. Dorokhov
  • Yulia V. Serebrennikova
  • Andrey L. Belousov
  • Olga S. Efimova.
Keywords: conflict, level of aggressiveness, strategy of overcoming stressful situations, level of conflict nature


The study of conflicts is one of the most dynamic areas of development of psychology, so the article presents a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the concept of conflict as a result of the comparison of the indicators obtained during the study of styles, patterns of behavior in situations of conflict and types of reactions in situations of stress. It was found that the members of the group, with a long stay in the workplace, have constructive models to face stressful situations, as well as that the types of reactions to conflict situations such as negativity and irritability were more pronounced. The results obtained can be used in the psychology of work, practical psychology, sociology, as well as for the theoretical development of this topic.
