Automation of Enterprise's activity processes (Using as an Example Llc “Parallax”).

  • Artur L. Dautov
  • Aidar S. Puryaev
  • Aliya R. Kharisova. 
Keywords: activity automation, access monitoring and control system, CRM-solution, Bitrix 24, Megaplan


There was conducted a study of well-known CRM-systems for the possibility of integration with the AMC-system for implementation of the project of activity automation (for example, LLC "Parallax"). The advantages, disadvantages and peculiarities of these systems are revealed. In this study we have described the possibilities of the analytical CRM-system “Bitrix24” and its analogs, allowing to reveal the improvement trend. The project of implementation of CRM-system “Bitrix24” into LLC “Parallax” has been developed, taking into consideration integration with the existing corporateintegrated security system (video observation system and AMC-system).
