State vs. Religions historically represented in the state: points ofconcurrence and planes of distinction.

  • Igor V. Ponkin
  • Tatiana M. Chelpanova
  • Marina V. Markhgeym
  • Mikhail N. Kouznetsov. 
Keywords: religious rights and freedoms, autonomy, secular state, relations between the state and religious organizations, constitutional law


The article is devoted to the study of the impelling imperatives and determinants of interactions of the secular state and religious organizations (especially -historically represented in the state), the limits and modes of such interactions. The authors address the issue of the limits of intervention and, on the contrary, non-interference of the state in the affairs of religious associations. The issue of the nature and content of respect by the state for internal normative regulations of religious organizations, about the measure due for the state in such respect is examined. The nature and content of the autonomy of religious organizations and their internal orders are shown.
