Motivation and needs in the area of the spouses with different experiences of cohabitation.

  • Viktor V. Pushkarev
  • Elena I. Cherdymova
  • Alexey I. Prokopyev
  • Mikhail G. Kochurov
  • Nikolay V. Shamanin
  • Sergey G. Ezhov
  • Svetlana V. Kamenskaya
  • Natalia V. Kargina. 
Keywords: family, matrimonial compatibility, motivational and needs-based sphere, psychological climate, family values


Currently, the subject of studying the motivational sphere and based on the needs of the spouses becomes relevant, since modern Russia is going through a difficult period in its history. The article provides an exhaustive and detailed analysis of the concept of marital compatibility. As a result of comparing the indicators, it was revealed that marital compatibility acts as a consistency of family values and role expectations. Affirmations in the implementation of family functions also affect the physical and mental health of a family, the personality of the person, their mood and activity.
