Quranic Intertextuality in the poetry of Muzaffar al-Nawab.

  • Mehrdad Aghaei. 
Keywords: Quran, Arabic poetry, intertextuality, Iraq, Muzaffar al-Nawab


The Quran is the light of the Arabic language. Arabic poetry has been credited to the Holy Qur'an since its descent into the Arab society so far. The Arab poet lives in Arab society and speaks Arabic, sohe cannot escape from the framework of the Holy Qur'an. The Qur'an has a light that does not end and enlightens the whole world, especially the Arab world. Free Arabic poetry emerged in Iraq, where since ancient times it has been a cradle of ancient civilization, heavenly religions and a cradle of science and culture. Now,Iraq has become the cradle of new poetry. Muzaffar al-Nawab is a delegate from Iraq to study his poetry about his influence on the Holy Qur'an.
