The sensate-consumerist culture of the capitalist society.

  • M.G. Akhmedova
  • M.V. Kibakin
  • P.V. Razov
  • P.A. Peremibed
  • S.A. Yushkova. 
Keywords: culture, sensual-consumerist culture, human activity, mass culture


The main idea of the article is a socio-philosophical analysis of the sensate-consumerist culture as a kind of cross-section reflecting how each social system contributes (or prevents) personal development and attainment of actual freedom by human. Results showed that only a society based on the humanistic values can eliminate negative phenomena in the culture development. The most important objective of culture is formation of a personal demand for constant, multi-purpose communication in the field of religion, philosophy, cultural studies, science, morality and art, etc.
