Analysis of Enterprise Environment Factors at the Regional Market of Petroleum Products.

  • Nail N. Badrtdinov. Diliara R. Abdrakhmanova
  • Gulnara N. Khadiullina. 
Keywords: Strategy of development of enterprise, market of petroleum products, strategic analysis, strategic management, factors of environment


Forming of the system of strategic management, that includes management instruments strategy of his development and takes into account the features of branch markets, comes forward a necessary effective operating of enterprise of the real sector of economy condition. The results of research with the use of data of state statistics of factors of environment of enterprise of ОАО ХК "Татнефтепродукт" (TATOILPRODUCT) are presented in the article. In a number last the factors of indirect and direct influence are distinguished. In composition the factors of indirect influence factors are analysed macromedias - political, economic, sociocultural and technological.
