Publication Rules

Articles must be directly uploaded to the platform of the journal by authors. Articles will comply with the reference structure: Word format, Times New Roman 12, margins of 2.5 cm (upper and lower) and 3 cms (left and right) to 2 spaces and pages numbered. The pages of the article cannot contain any logo or label, whether personal or institutional. The extension of the articles should not exceed 30 pages.

The work must present the following aspects: Title, Author (s), Abstract (no more than 120 words), Key words (maximum 5).

1. In the aspect: Author (s), write only the full name of the author preceded by the highest university degree obtained. The names of the authors are not referenced at the bottom of the page.

2. Title, Author (s), Abstract, Key words (in correspondence with the Spanish version).

3. The text of the article will be structured in: Introduction, Development and Conclusions. If tables, graphs, etc., are mentioned, they will be included in the place where they are mentioned. No Annexes are used. The citations made at the foot of the page are not repeated in Bibliographic References.

4. The aspects: Bibliographic References and Bibliography are used. In the aspect: Bibliographic References include all authors cited in the text, and in Bibliography include all authors not cited in the text, but their articles/documents were read and their ideas were addressed in the text in one way or another. The authors included in Bibliographic References and in Bibliography must be included in alphabetical order following first surname, numbered and in APA format. See document at pdf: APA Style: Seventh Edition.pdf.

5. Aspect: Data of the authors. In this aspect, only the following information will be included: Full name of the author, highest university degrees obtained, working institution, position in the institution, country and email (optional).

It is very important that the author of the article introduces the corresponding citations and bibliography, since he will be responsible for the academic probity of his article before the current legislation, and the journal: Contemporary Dilemmas: Education, Politics and Values ​​assumes no responsibility in this regard. It is emphasized that any proposed article will be applied an anti-plagiarism tool, for which the author (s) is responsible for the possible negative result obtained, which will imply immediate notification to the authors of the work, invalidating the publication.

The Editorial Board of the journal does not commit to the publication of an article sent by the mere fact of being received, since all the articles are submitted to an arbitration system in which the evaluators (internal and external) carry out evaluation process. This process is carried out by at least one internal evaluator and two external evaluators, all specialists in the corresponding subject, who must issue a favorable report as an essential requirement for acceptance of the article

All the contents included in the journal are protected by the Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND), which means that the author who sends his article, and that is subsequently approved accepts the terms of a license of such characteristics.

If you consider that your work complies with the rules set forth herein, and accepts our conditions for publication, we will be very pleased to receive your cooperation.

The Editorial Board.