Depression, coping and academic performance in psychology students.

  • Nehemías Cuamba Osorio Universidad de Sonora
  • Nitzia Astrid Zazueta Sanchez Universidad de Sonora
Keywords: depression, coping skills, academic performance, psychology students


Starting from the general objective: To identify the presence of indicators of depression and coping skills by analyzing the differences in the variables between groups of academic performance in psychology students, a quantitative and cross-sectional investigation was structured. The BDI-II and CSI scales were applied to a sample of 181 students, analyzing the data with statistics such as Student's T. Results: it was observed that the level of prevalence of depression in students is high, and coping skills low; furthermore, the hypothesis of differences between the variables by academic performance group was null, which is likely that performance is a protective factor as a way to distract from a reality that students perceive as annoying.
