Metrics and Customer Relationship Management for social media of the National University System at PUCE.

  • Galo Mauricio López Sevilla
  • Teresa Milena Freire Aillón
  • Ricardo Patricio Medina Chicaiza
  • Liliana Del Rocio Mena Hernández. 
Keywords: Social CRM, metrics, cluster analysis, social channels


This paper discusses the usefulness of the use of procedures and metrics in CRM systems (CRM: Customer Relationship Management), emphasizing customer management with an organizational approach focused on customer service through social networks or social CRM. To this end, a bibliographic analysis of the literature, a quantitative analysis of the social channels of the PUCE National System and a qualitative analysis of the PUCE Ambato Twitter accountweremade, using the tools Fanpage Karma, Followerwonk, Brand24, Social Mention, Tweet Binder, Socialblade and NVivo.
