The formation of brand as a factor to increase the competitiveness of university in the educational services market.

  • Ramazan Ligidov
  • Irina Fedotova
  • Zaur Zavrumov
  • Larisa Gorokhova
  • Dmitry Yurchenko.
Keywords: branding, management, educational institution, educational services, competitiveness


In the process of globalization, digitalization and competition in the market of educational services, issues of higher education are becoming relevant. The fame of an educational institution and his high-quality educational services provided in the market are not a guarantee of successful activity. In order to ensure the loyalty of the main consumers to the offers of the educational institution today, marketing tools, and in particular brand, should not be ignored. The conceptual base of brand management in the field of higher education and the brand elements of university are considered, the innovative approaches to creating, developing and managing the brand are presented in the article.
