Education in environmental economics through mathematics in the training of the Industrial Engineer.

  • Carmen Pino Ávila
  • Lilia Cervantes Rodríguez
  • Cristian Xavier Espín Beltrán.
Keywords: didactical strategy, problem solving, environmental economics


A study is being carried out which allows to know the capacity to solve environmental problems in the students of the Industrial Engineering career, it has been found important limitations in the environmental issues in a general way and much more focused in environmental economy. This work´s objective is to develop a didactical strategy to encourage a learning process of the environmental economy through Mathematics. The mentioned process consists of six phases supported by the interdisciplinarity and transversally of mathematics subjects in the curricular mesh, contextualization of the environmental and learning based in problems. The fundamental conclusion is that, applying the strategy, will benefit the student´s training in environmental economic of Industrial Engineering career, in order to demonstrate an expert criterion.
