Evaluation of the proposed teaching methods of 6th grade Math Teacher's Guidebook in Iranian Educational System Based on CIPP Evaluation Model.

  • Mahdi Reisi Ghahrouie
  • Soolmaz Nourabadi.
Keywords: Teaching, Teacher's Guidebook, Evaluation, Mathematical Education, CIPP Model


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the sixth-grade Math teacher's Guidebook based on the CIPP evaluation model from the perspective of Shahrekord’s teachers. The research method was descriptive-evaluative. The findings showed that the attention to teaching components in the guidebook of the sixth-grade math teacher based on the CIPP model was more than average (3.34 and ± 0.771). Also, in the dimensions of the CIPP model, attention was also paid to teaching subjects in the Guidebook of Teacher's Guidebook (3.32 and ±0.791), internal teaching (3.34 and ±0.816).
