Design of a system of continuous improvements, based on the methodology of management indicators of the Balanced Scorecard, for the University Leveling Courses.

  • Lisenia Karina Baque Villanueva
  • María Azucena Mendoza Alcívar
  • Samuel Fernando Bustillo Mena.
Keywords: Balanced scorecard, quality, higher education, management indicators


The BSC is a fundamental tool for the improvement system of organizations, its application allows to collect data necessary to measure the quality of processes based on indicators using the traffic signaling technique. The objective of this research was to analyze the importance of the use of BSC management indicators in the university leveling courses, which allowed proposing the design of a continuous improvement system, based on the Balanced Scorecard management indicators methodology. Taking the UAR of the UTEQ as the object of study. Its development was descriptive and exploratory, using the quantitative and bibliographic method, the interview to the administrative personnel allowed to gather information to base the proposed proposal.
