Workplace harassment and its typicity in the criminal legal system as a contravention.

  • Leonso Dagoberto Torres Torres
  • Germán Fabricio Acurio Hidalgo
  • Julián Rodolfo Santillán Andrade
  • José Luís Maldonado Cando
  • Jorge Marcelo Montalvo Jama
  • Rodrigo David Paredes Burbano.
Keywords: Labor Harassment, Typicity, Rights, Contravention, Mobbing


The present scientific article on workplace harassment, search to typify and eradicate "moobing" in Ecuador. This issue, despite being an interesting fact, is not legally defined in the Ecuadorian legal system, therefore, it has relevance for all people immersed in the workplace. Consequently, it is urgent to incorporate it into the current legal framework as a criminal violation since it violates Human Rights and consequently is an unlawful conduct that affects the goods protected by the Ecuador Republic Constitution, and Labor Regulations.
