Didactic proposal in the understanding the syntactical sequence of the English language in first level students.

  • Silvia Marisol Gavilánez Villamarín
  • Aurelia María Cleonares Borbor
  • José María Beltrán Ayala
  • Fanny Maricela Pozo Hernández
  • Oswaldo Liber Andrade Salazar.
Keywords: comprehension, syntactic sequence, linguistic abilities, active methods, didactic proposal


In the era of globalization, the fundamental basis for the likelihood of success is based on learning English. Consequently, the teaching-learning process must guarantee more efficient results and results. The application of a questionnaire that explored the development of communicative skills in English showed that it is necessary to recognize and use simple and complex structures and their correct use, based on the understanding of the English syntactic sequence, precisely in these criteria the didactic proposal is supported and presented as the main result of the research carried out.
