Russia-China cooperation in the Arctic: Problems and Prospects.

  •  V. Perskaya
  • V. Remyga
  • N. Revenko
  • A. Ogryzov
  • L. Krasavina. 
Keywords: Arctic belt, Northern Sea route, Russian-Chinese cooperation, ompetition in the Arctic, the Arctic Council


The authors propose the international cooperation in the Arctic as the most important area of international cooperation based on compliance with and development of international law on an agreed basis. The partnership for matching the initiatives One Belt, One Road and the Greater Eurasian space is also emphasized. The White Paper, published on January 26, 2018, outlines the basic principles and parameters of China's Arctic policy. Chinese side proceeds from the premise that all states of the world should be engaged in the development of the Arctic, regardless of their geographic location, being advisable to consider a possible establishment of a Russia-China consortium for Arctic projects implementation.
