The Mystical Consciousness in the Persian and the Spanish Poetry: A Comparative Study of Jalaluddin Rumi and Saint John of The Cross.

  •  Muhammad Ahmad Hashmi
  • Muhammad Ilyas Mahmood
  • Muhammad Khuram. 
Keywords: mysticism, sufism, divine love, perennial philosophy


This study is comparative, bridging the mystical boundaries of East and West by way of the poetry of two great mystic poets: Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi and Saint John of the Cross within the framework of Aldous Huxley's Perennial Philosophy. The study compares and contrasts the mystical features, attributes and tendencies in poetry of both poets, discussing the experience of God and mystic's soul in relation to God. It uses Huxley’s four major points for the evolution of mystic path: Higher and Lower order, longing for rejoining and reconnection with the beloved, expressions of feelings of separation and the pleasures of the definite connection with God. The study finds similarities and differences in the works of both poets.
