Retrospective model in Indian Elections 1945-46.

  •  Rizwan Ullah Kokab
  • Muhammad Hassan
  • Ali Shan. 
Keywords: colonialism, elections, government’s performance, official interference, voters’ choice


This paper unearths positive or negative effects of the issues related with performance of past governments as well as the interference of the existent governments on the outcomes of elections in colonial India during 1945-46. On one hand, shedding light on the impacts of the governments in different provinces the elections have been surveyed with the spectacle of retrospective approach. On the other hand, the impact of official interference on election results has also been studied. Having used the data collected through the historical techniques, content analysis of archival record and extracting of the evidence, the conclusion has been drawn that the electoral rhetoric remained filled with the claims and blames on the performance of previous governments.
