Imāmat from the perspective of Hisham ibn Hakam.

  •  Hossein Rezaei
  • Mohammad Hussein Faryab
  • Mohammad Ranjbar Hosseini. 
Keywords: Imāmat, Hisham ibn Hakam, Kufa theological school


This paper, by using a library method, attempts to answer this question: How does Hisham ibn Hakam, as one of the famous scholars of Shi'ism in the Era of Presence1 and one of the theologians of Kufa theological school, explain the teachings of Imāmat? Hisham does not have an explicit definition for Imāmat, but by examining the attributes, Hisham holds for Imāmat, one can interpret the teachings of Imāmat from his point of view: Imam - like the prophet - is a divine authority appointed by God to guide people and to execute Divine rules and obeying him is obligatory and his denial is due to disbelief. Hisham recognizes the attributes of being literal, scholar, infallibility, courage, generosity and being Hashemite3 from the conditions of Imāmat.
