The dual education system in Mexico: case of the Polytechnic University of the Toluca Valley.

  • Silvia Cristina Manzur Quiroga
  • Miguel Martínez López
  • Agustín Cortés Rebolledo.
Keywords: Dual System, vocational training, Toluca Valley Polytechnic University


This article is the result of a study on the dual system of vocational training. In it, the evolution of education in Mexico is studied until reaching the implementation of the German dual model in our country. In addition, the problem that companies have during recruitment is analyzed, because applicants do not develop the necessary skills during their training to be good candidates for jobs. The advantages of the dual education system are also presented compared to the “traditional” model, its implementation in Mexico and the statistics of the dual model applied at the Toluca Valley Polytechnic University with an analysis by career and productive sector.
