Dynamics of a case name functioning: connecting texts and generations.

  • Galina V. Struchalina
  • Anna S. Titova
  • Yulia V. Plotnikova
  • Polina A. Cheresyuk.
Keywords: case name, intertextuality, cultural linguistics, Russian


In 1997, in Russia the experiment devoted to problems of functioning of case names in post-Perestroika society among the younger generation was made and described. In 2018 we made an experiment by the described technique. The analysis of results revealed changes of the connotations connected with a case name, there was a replacement of primary negative estimation by neutral. As the reasons of such dynamics, we consider not only decrease in relevance of the text source of a case name in society but also transformations of consciousness of readers, the transition from the linear type of thinking to "clip" (fragmentary).
