Estimation of the level of influence and affectation that certain variables have on the academic performance of the students of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes, Babahoyo Headquarters.

  • Iyo Alexis Cruz Piza
  • Jorge Luis Galarza Paz
  • Leonardo Iván Barahona Tapia
  • Wimper Venancio Nivela Zapata.
Keywords: study hours, self-esteem, academic performance, level of influence


This research is carried out in the Autonomous Regional university of the Andes (UNIANDES) and its objective is to estimate the level of influence and affectation that certain variables have on the academic performance of said students. This research is classified as exploratory, empirical and deductive. By the process of composition of the data is a quantitative, inferential and correlational type research. According to the classification of the research design and the number of variables, it is considered as multivariate.
