Methodology for professional reaffirmation in students of Psychology.

  • Julio Victoriano Almanza Faife
  • Dimeri Piñeiro Esquivel
  • Gerardo Gracia Denis
  • Guelsy Pimienta Cruz
  • Milady Macareño Pérez.
Keywords: methodology, professional reaffirmation, Psychology


The present investigation is a starting point to face the professional reaffirmation of the students of the Psychology career, by going to the center of one of the fundamental processes that the Cuban university has: the training of competent professionals to respond to the needs of society, with origin in the scientific problem that expresses the need to contribute to favor it. Its objective is to design a methodology for workshops that respond to the results of the diagnosis applied to the selected sample. It shows a methodology that contributes to a better training of future professionals, taking into account the role of teachers together with the role of students.
