Perspectives, importance, limitations and advances regarding the institutionalization of civic values as a commitment shared by the population involved in social programs, to increase the possibilities of guaranteeing the social rights recognized in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States of 1917.

  • Adrián Omar Lara Menchaca.
Keywords: social rights, civic values, objective population, social programs, equality of opportunities


The importance and the normative scope inherent to the social rights established in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States of 1917 are analyzed, as well as the aspects necessary to increase the commitment with respect to its achievement; the principle of equal opportunities is articulated, theorized by Rawls (2006) with a proposal for the improvement of participation mechanisms among those involved in the 3x1 program for migrants. Finally, the relevance of agreeing and incorporating civic values is established, among those involved in the 3x1 program, in order to establish them as a proposal and reference to achieve their institutionalization as a commitment of the population involved in each of the social programs in Mexico.
