Understanding written texts from promotion and animation to reading in primary school.

  • Violenma Ramírez Guerrero
  • Ada Fonseca Sanz
  • Yusleidys Rodríguez Aguilar.
Keywords: animation to the reading, textual understanding, promotion of the reading


In this work, the author's reflections regarding the relationship between the comprehension of written texts and the promotion and encouragement of reading in primary school are made known. These reflections are based on the insufficiencies found in the educational practice of primary school children, which manifest serious insufficiencies in the comprehension of written texts, as well as demotivation towards the tasks related to the reading of diverse works. Aspects that must be reversed by the consequences that they bring to the teaching-learning process fundamentally of the Spanish Language. Developing the communicative competence of schoolchildren is the essential purpose in teaching the mother tongue.
