Discussions on the Belt and Road Initiative: mutual benefits or loses.

  • Irina N. Belova
  • Elena A. Egorycheva
  • Valeriy S. Semenovich
  • A. Notina
  • Irena A. Ryabinina.
Keywords: Belt and Road Initiative, One Belt One Road, China, international trade, transit corridor


China has put forward a grandiose transport and economic project the Belt and Road Initiative, also known as “One Belt One Road” or “New Silk Road. It is impossible to deny the scale and complexity of the project. It entails achievement of economic prosperity by the countries along the Silk Road, their sustainable economic development and strengthening of mutual cooperation between the regions. However, there are more and more discussions about China’s economic expansion into the countries participating in this initiative, about increasing the debt burden of the countries implementing the infrastructure projects of the Belt and Road Initiative. The concept involves the development of infrastructure construction, including roads, railways, ports, power networks, signal transmission via optical cables, and others.
