The research groups and their impact on the factors that determine the terminal efficiency of the graduate.

  • José de Jesús Peinado Camacho
  • Vicente Mayagoitia Barragán
  • Constantina Cruz Guerra.
Keywords: Research groups, terminal efficiency, postgraduate, research center, students


The objective of this research is to provide empirical evidence of the research groups and their impact on the factors that determine the terminal efficiency of the graduate through the case study of the Center for Research and Technological Innovation (CIITEC) at the Polytechnic Institute National (IPN). The design of the research was non-experimental and transeccional. The methodology that was used was quantitative. The focus of the study was exploratory and descriptive. It is concluded that the majority of the academic body has experience in synthesis and material engineering, has matured and is able to enhance their abilities. It is necessary to rethink the research line and make it more representative, the student / teacher ratio must be increased.
