Attention to individual differences of talented students to write.

  • Eraida Campos Maura
  • Diana Cárdenas Caballero
  • Mileidy Tiza Martínez
  • Isabel Julia Veitia Arrieta
  • Dunia Machado Santos.
Keywords: talent, diversity, teaching, to write


The direction of the teaching-learning process in a student group is highly complex in itself, much more if you consider these individual differences that appear in it; this constitutes one of the fundamental challenges for every educator: the diversity-unity relationship. In particular, attention to students of high abilities and talents in the writing process is an expression of the need to combine the search for excellence with the principles of equity. The needs of talented people to write transcend the school environment, so that talent urgently requires a differentiated educational treatment that responds to the educational interests or needs of each other according to their characteristics as a group.
