Responses of the Ecuadorian State in front of to the problem of abortion.

  • Silvana Esperanza Erazo Bustamante
  • Maritza Elizabeth Ochoa Ochoa
  • Hugo Bayardo Santacruz Cruz. 
Keywords: human rights, fundamental rights, abortion, unwanted pregnancy


International human rights treaties recognize and guarantee the right to life of the nasciturus. In Ecuador, the right to life is guaranteed from conception, penalizing abortion as a crime; however, a considerable percentage of women practice it clandestinely, in deplorable health conditions. The use of the pill “of the day after”, as a public policy adopted by the Ecuadorian State to avoid unwanted pregnancies, and thus reduce the abortion rate, has caused much controversy among Ecuadorian doctors and society in general, since this measure, far from solving the problem of abortion, has caused serious public health problems.
