Technologies in the reconfiguration of contemporaneous pedagogical models.

  • Mellember Arias Zabala. 
Keywords: Technologies, education, teaching, learning, pedagogical models


We witness an age where technology has turned into an imperative when times come to rethink education. We hear every day talking about devices like Ovas, Avas, Mooc, Elearning, Mlearning, among other forms of naming the teaching and learning strategies whose logic show us the central role of the technological device in the new conceptionsof education. The presence of these devices, both in basic and higher education, does not respond, in any way, to a fashion. They truly account for a redefinition of the pedagogical, where there is a compromise of the Being and the raison d’être of contemporaneous formation. We will deal with these considerations in this text, which comes from the research project “Computational Thinking and Educational Practices. A pedagogical experience with the implementation of the Scratch Programming Language”.
