Validation of the dimensions for the evaluation of the quality of the management process of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes.

  • Ariel Romero Fernández
  • Gustavo Álvarez Gómez
  • Raúl Comas Rodríguez
  • Jane Toro Toro
  • Vladimir Vega Falcón. 
Keywords: dimensions, quality evaluation, management process, Autonomous Regional University of the Andes


A qualitative research was carried out based on the validation of a set of proposed dimensions for the evaluation of the quality of the management process of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes (UNIANDES). The application of the Delphi method was preceded by three rounds of consultation with a group of eight UNIANDES specialists, Ambato headquarters, with the aim of reaching, from their assessment, a primary consensus on the proposed dimensions. For this process, group work techniques were used: List reduction and weighted voting.
