What is indigenous education? Reflections on the concept.

  •  Guadalupe Tinajero Villavicencio
  • Lorena Martínez Zavala. 
Keywords: Indigenous education, educational institutions, educational policies


The objective of this work is to reflect on the concept of indigenous education. Like any construct, it is the result of a historical process and a series of struggles and resistances that have materialized in laws, institutions, regulations, programs, materials and actions. The concept is the product of a dynamic process in which there coexists a history of domination and a history of subalternity, in which the indigenous resists disappearing and being subsumed by the homogeneity of citizens. This essay is an outline that tries to answer what indigenous education is. In order to develop the ideas and approaches, we carried out a review document of institutional reports, articles, books, newspaper notes and academic diagnoses.
