The development of hardiness of university students: future camp counselors in the conditions of a specially organized activity.

  • Svetlana V. Shedina
  • Elena N. Tkach
  • Valentina A. Davydenko.  
Keywords: development of hardiness, students, future camp counselors, university, context


The paper is devoted to the description of the development of hardinessof university students – future camp counselors in aspecially organized activity in the framework of operation of the District Coordination Center for Training and Support of Camp Counselors in the Far East Federal District of the Russian Federation. Hardiness is considered as a system of beliefs of a person about himself, about the world, about the relationship with the world, which prevents the emergence of internal tension in stressful situations and helps to cope with stress. The authors of the paper present a description of the experiment organized in the format of socio-psychological training.
