Legal protection of life and health of a child: interbranch problems.

  • Lyudmila Turshuk
  • Igor A. Goncharov
  • Kseniya I. Korobko
  • Vladislav V. Korotkov
  • Sergej A. Usatov. 
Keywords: inherent human benefits, life and health of a child, human embryo, reparation of harm, tort liability


The current study considered the problems of legal protection of a child’s life and health before and after birth, analyzed Russian and foreign legislation, it was proposed to consolidate the fundamental principles of international law in the legislation of Russian Federation, and it was provided the human embryo protection. Considering the foreign experience, and advances in medical science, Russian lawyers provided proposals to protect human life and health before birth and during fetal development, which were advised to legally establish responsibility for damage to health or death of a human embryo.
