Syntax for the improvement of the English writing to rend international PET test with the fifth level students of ESPOCH Cambridge extension. April-June 2017.

  • César Augusto Narváez Vilema
  • Luis Francisco Mantilla Cabrera
  • Mayra Alexandra Carrillo Rodríguez
  • Jaime Alberto Tapia Salinas
  • Francisco Javier González Cadena
  • Karla Janneth Quishpe Maigu. 
Keywords: syntax, writing improvement, English, international PET tests, Cambridge


An intervention-type study was conducted on the syntax for the improvement of writing in English to perform PET international tests with the fifth-level students of the Cambridge extension of the ESPOCH during the period from April to June 2017. 29 students were studied to which a modified before-after observation guide was applied. The Wilcoxon Signal Ranks hypothesis test was performed, which is a non-parametric one, since the variables are not normally distributed and the sample size is less than 30.
