The role of Agritourism clusters in implementing the concept of sustainable development region.

  • I. L. Litvinenko
  • N. N. Solovykh
  • I. A. Smirnova
  • L. D. Kiyanova
  • O. A. Mironova.  
Keywords: sustainable development, agritourism, cluster, rural areas, public-private partnership


This article is aimed at justifying the need for the development of rural (agricultural) tourism as a condition for ensuring sustainable development of Russian rural areas. The main purpose of a cluster will be to promote Agritourism and attract tourists, as well as to address other operational issues directly related to the attraction of tourists. In our opinion, in terms of ensuring sustainable development of Russian regions as the basis for ensuring viability of the entire socio-economic system of the country, the priority should be given to diversifying the economy not only in the sectoral but also in the regional context.
