Two basic conditions for the formation of the discursive-investigative competence in professionals of the superior education.

  • Alejandro Arturo Ramos Banteurt
  • Leonardo Silva Speck. 
Keywords: competition, basic conditions, formation of discursive-investigative competition


The definition of the term competency for the analysis of the complex nature of the competency formation process is explored. The need to work according to the integration of knowledge is taken into account, starting from the essence of the meaning of this concept, which goes through suitability, flexibility and contextualization for creative entrepreneurship, mobilized and personalized with social character. The guiding function of the teacher is underlined to facilitate the mobilized and motivated role of the students, who find the meaning of the solution of problems to transform the concrete and specific reality where they work, from the contextualization. This monitoring allows us to understand the value of the basic conditions for the formation of discursive-investigative competence.
