The formative professional project as method that energizes the professional's formation in the pedagogic careers.

  • José Luis Lissabet Rivero
  • Tania De La Caridad Rosabal Ferrer. 
Keywords: professional formative project, investigative labor practice, Main Integrating Discipline, professional formation, pedagogical careers


The article presents a scientific result obtained by the authors in the Project "Innovation and Didactic Systematization for the Training of University Professionals, through undergraduate and postgraduate training in Pedagogical Sciences". The objective is to characterize, from the didactic point of view, the design of the Professional Training Project as a method to develop the methodological management of the research work practice, based on the methodological teaching work developed by the career, disciplinary and academic year groups, and conceived from the Main Integrating Discipline, in order to form and develop professional skills and achieve the student's preparation to face the solution of problems related to the object of the profession.
