Relationship between intensive reading and written production in a foreign language.

  • Nelly Margarita Padilla Padilla
  • Yajaira Natali Padilla Padilla
  • Ruth Patricia Molina Mazón
  • Sandra Leticia Guijarro Paguay
  • Jazmina Ivonne Mena Mayorga
  • Silvia Narciza Cazar Costales. 
Keywords: intensive reading, written production in a foreign language, learning, reading, English as a foreign language


The essential role of reading as a manager of development in all work areas and in any disciplinary knowledge, is widely recognized. It is not limited only as an academic resource to know, complement and build new knowledge, because it represents a source of enjoyment for those who do it in their free time, in addition, in the educational setting, reading is the first cognitive tool that allows adopting techniques and learning strategies. An investigation of quasi-experimental, structured bivariate correlational design was carried out. The correlation was sought between the variables application of intensive reading and development of written production.
