Common mistakes in the formative process of grammatical generalizations and proposal of corrective strategies.

  • Abdel Bermúdez
  • Liuvan Herrera Carpio
  • Rubén Guerrero Caicedo
  • Elsy Labrada González
  • Marlene López Domínguez. 
Keywords: Common mistakes, formative process, grammatical generalizations, corrective strategies


It is essential to study those errors that stand out in the formative process of grammatical generalizations and to propose corrective strategies, since having a clear perception of the flaws in the processes of lexical construction the teacher can correct them with greater precision and individuality. The present study is of a diagnostic-descriptive nature, located in the line of analysis of errors, it seeks to analyze and categorize the errors committed by students in the career of Pedagogy of Language and Literature of the National University of Chimborazo in 2018.
