Characterization of the management competence in education for the pedagogical exercise in Las Tunas educational scenario.

  • Michel Enrique Gamboa Graus
  • Yurixander Castillo Rojas
  • Jorge Félix Parra Rodríguez. 
Keywords: Statistics, competence, management, education


The intention of this work was directed to the generation of scientific knowledge about the current state of leadership competence in education for the pedagogical exercise in Las Tunas educational scenario. For this, the rigorous treatment of the scientific method used in experiential processes of educational work management was carried out. This was carried out by members of a research project of the University of Las Tunas. Thus, the usefulness of Statistics for educational research was used with the application of a scale for the measurement of said competence, elaborated by the same work team. This resulted in a characterization in details about the leadership competence in education in the territory.
