Confident behaviour training as a means of developing communicative competence of future camp counselors.

  • Svetlana V. Shedina
  • Elena N. Tkach
  • Valentina A. Davydenko.  
Keywords: communicative competence, confident behaviour training, camp, counselor, student


Communicative competence is described by the authors of the paper as a psychological phenomenon that allows a person to behave actively and constructively in various life situations suggesting the need for interaction, including difficult life situations by using external and internal reserves to overcome them. The paper describes the opportunities of confident behaviour training as ameans of developing the communicative competence of university students – future camp counselors. The authors of the study justify the idea that the confident behaviour training promotes the development of assertiveness of students, their communication skills and aptitudes, the ability to express their own position, to strive to understand the position of partners in communication and to be a reflective listener. This training allows the participants to optimize the style of their interaction with different interlocutors.
