The stimulation of the modeling in the students during the learning of the abstraction, analysis and synthesis of concepts.

  • Yaritnza Hernández Coromoto
  • Nairovys Gómez Martínez
  • Gloria Medina Naranjo
  • Adisnay Rodríguez Placencia
  • María Fernanda Morales. 
Keywords: modeling, learning, abstraction, analysis and synthesis


A training experiment was carried out in three careers (Nursing, Medicine and Odontology) of the Autonomous Regional University of the Andes (UNIANDES), in Ambato, Ecuador. The application of a survey to teachers and a pedagogical test prove the stimulation of the creativity of the students during the learning of the abstraction, analysis and synthesis of concepts was carried out. The concretion of this model the creation of a system of exercises and problems of application that make possible the transfer of theoretical knowledge in life situations.
