Reviewing fantasy novels of children and adolescents in the 80’s (XX century) based on critical thinking.

  • Seyede Fahime Mir Ghayoumnia
  • Bijan Zahirinav
  • Maryam Jalali.
Keywords: child and adolescent novel, fantasy, critical thinking, critical thinking skills


This research examines critical thinking skills in fantasy novels of children and adolescents in the 80’s, twentieth century. The methodology used in this research is to identify novels of the 80’s twentieth century and recognize the problems and the literary and psychological approach of these novels by comparing to novels with similar themes related to children and adolescents. This research evaluates the behaviors, dialogues and functions of novel characters based on critical thinking skills. It can be shown that critical thinking in the fantasy novels of the eighties can affect the structure of cognition and morals of the children and adolescents of the eighties.
