Realization of individually-oriented technology of multicultural interdisciplinary integration in the system of musical education.

  • Sergey Ivanovich Kurganskiy
  • Natalya Romanovna Turavets
  • Alina Vyacheslavovna Skripkina
  •   Susanna Vasilyeva Tumasyan
  • Svetlana Sergeevna Kuko. 
Keywords: musical education, integration, interdisciplinarity, polyculture education, comparative musicology


The article deals with the actual problems of using in the system of higher music education the provisions of interdisciplinary integration on a multicultural basis. Results showed that due to the historical and socio-cultural prerequisites for the development of society, taking into account the individual-oriented technology of  preparing students-musicians, proposed a comprehensive study of the features of multicultural interdisciplinary integration based on systemic, historical-typological and regional-civilizational approaches.
