The knowledge of history from a double vision: José Martí Pérez and Fidel Castro Ruz.

  • Yulemnis Matos Torres
  • Yemnysei Pérez García
  • Yisel Mompié González
Keywords: Teaching of Cuba´s history, activities, Marti’s work, Fidel's commemorative speeches


The research is aimed at raising the quality of the teaching of the History of Cuba in Higher Education and provides a system of activities to contribute to the knowledge of the Ten Years War from the double vision of José Martí and Fidel Castro, starting from the difficulties in linking students to make between the historical content, the Martian work and Fidel's Commemorative Speeches, because they do not determine what is essential; that is to say, the concept and the historical content of which it is spoken, nor the Martian idea with which they have to link it, as well as the Commemorative Speech to which reference is made, preventing them from establishing logical links  and causal relations explicitly.
