The game: didactic mediator for the development of cognitive skills for research.

  • Mónica Elizabeth Benalcázar Paladines
  • Angélica Dora Rodríguez Lara
  • Fanny Maricela Pozo Hernández
  • Diego Francisco Rosales Almeida
Keywords: cognitive competence, research, game, didactic mediator


The development of research competence constitutes an imperative in the process of training professionals; in this sense, it is necessary to look for methodological procedures that guarantee the consolidation of said competence, and by virtue of the aforementioned, the value of the game is supported as a didactic mediator. The article presents a pedagogical experience carried out with students of the UNIANDES-Santo Domingo Business Administration career, which consisted of the implementation of a game system that propitiated the exercise of different cognitive processes that are necessary for the research activity. The results achieved reveal the effectiveness of the proposal, since cognitive competences constitute a premise or condition that supports the development of research competence.
