Multiculturalidad and interculturalidad in the Ecuadorian school: expression of cultural identity.

  • Blanca Cortón Romero Universidad de Oriente
  • Julia Esther Céspedes Acuña Universidad de Oriente
  • Rosangela Caicedo Quiroz Instituto Superior Tecnológico Bolivariano de Tecnología
Keywords: Multiculturalidad, interculturalidad, education intercultural, formation intercultural, focus intercultural


The school is a space of concurrence, encounter, and recreation of diverse cultures; expression of the cultural diversity of society and of the different contexts from which the groups that operate in it come. Multiculturalism constitutes an objective process; its existence and recognition impose challenges on educational processes. Ecuadorian society and school are multicultural; addressing this situation imposes challenges on the school and teachers. This article reflects on the challenges that Ecuadorian education must face and proposes ways for the development of an intercultural educational process and the achievement of an inclusive, equitable and quality education that promotes lifelong learning opportunities for all.
