Evaluation of the use of technological tools in the teaching of mathematics.

  • Luis Germán Castro Morales Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Olga Germanía Arciniegas Paspuel Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes
  • Paola Yesenia Carrera Cuesta Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
  • Carmen Verónica Valenzuela Chicaiza Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes
Keywords: technological tools, teaching, mathematics, resources, knowledge


The dizzying changes of the world in the technological area make it necessary to search for and apply technological resources that are coupled to the contents of mathematics teaching, the teacher being obliged to provide technological tools that allow the student to better enrich his knowledge, transforming it in a more active, creative and participative being. Scientific advances in the technological area have enabled the emergence of new support instruments allowing to develop skills in processes such as optimizing time, reforming the elaboration of tasks, avoiding errors through the use of educational software applied to mathematics, achieving knowledge significant for life allowing the integral formation of the human being.
